My brother in law, Capt. Bruce Miller even got in on th

Had a recent trip with some great clients that I prefer to call friends. I had been on a pretty fair concentration of trout for four or five days and was really looking forward to putting these guys on the fish. With the help of Capt. Sally , our intrepid group headed out with high hopes. The weatherman said light winds until noon but he was lying......... again. It was at least 20 mph when we arrived at my spot. The wind was all wrong and was blowing directly into the grassline we had scouted the previous day in pristine conditions I might add.
I gritted my teeth and decided to give it an hour just because I knew there were fish here. Ray struck first with a keeper trout just minutes into our wade. The water was quickly losing its clarity but the fish seemed not to mind so much as we hooked, landed and released two more keeper trout. And then it happened.
Randy made a long cast with a pink Corky Devil and began a slow retrieve in the thigh deep water. The fish picked up the offering and he set back hard on the fish feeling some weight as the Big Girl made a powerful run taking line against the drag for about fifteen yards. He turned her and started a slow back and forth struggle as the fish circled to his left. I grabbed my new Flip video camera and headed towards the action seeing that this fish was putting up a good fight.
As I got closer, she surfaced between us and I got a glimpse of a broad back and big black tail. The fight gained a new intensity as Randy realized what he had. I vowed to stay out of the way in case the unthinkable happened just so I wouldn't get blamed lol. After a couple of attempts, he latched the Boga Grip on the Big Girls bottom jaw and just like that............ a new personal best for my friend. A quick measurement and weight before safely releasing her. I couldn't wait to get home to put together a little video so without further ado, here she is. Randy's new personal best trout 28" 8#+ (Click on the YouTube link)
Looks like winter is going to stick around a bit longer as the north winds are howling outside as I type. That just means we will have something to look forward to on our next warm-up. Looking for bigger and better things as we slowly move toward springtime patterns. Hope to see y'all down here soon. Also, you might want to check us out at the Holder Show at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston on March 3 - 7. Capt. Sally will be giving a seminar at 1:00 on Saturday and I will be giving one at noon on Sunday.
Hey Looking for a place to stay down there that is supposed to be $15.00 a night have any ideas thanks. will need rates on guiding also.