Well, it should come as no surprise that the winds blew today. Seems thats the only days I can book are the windy ones. Fortunately, I had a crew of hardy souls today that were prepared for anything mother nature dished out. We ground out several spots along the north side of Baffin until the winds forced us to the south side. Like the last trip, we finally struck paydirt on the south shoreline. We caught quite a few trout up to 17" and a lone redfish until Carl showed all the young guns how it was supposed to be done. Click on the YouTube link below to see the video of Carl's catch.
Various colors of Corkies were the lure du jour except for a certain guide who stuck with a red/white Saltwater Assassin all day. Gonna grind it out again tomorrow. The winds are suposed to blow from the other direction this time lol.
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